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PRP – Platelet-Rich Plasma


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, often colloquially referred to as the “vampire facial,” has gained significant attention in recent years. If you’re considering PRP treatment for facial rejuvenation or hair loss, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of what it entails.


Understanding PRP: PRP is a meticulously orchestrated three-step procedure that harnesses the natural platelets present in your blood:

1. Blood Draw: A small volume of blood, typically ranging from 2 to 4 tablespoons, is drawn from your arm.

2. Blood Processing: The collected blood is then subjected to centrifugation, effectively separating it into layers, with one layer containing a concentrated amount of platelets.

3. Blood Injection: Your medical professional reintroduces the platelet-rich blood into targeted areas, whether it be your face or scalp. This step is executed using a syringe or microneedling device. The entire process typically spans 45 minutes to one hour.



Applications of PRP: PRP holds versatile applications:

  • In orthopaedic practice, PRP expedites athletes’ recovery following injuries. ( Service NOT offered at Murakami Medical Centre)
  • In the realm of dermatology, PRP is being explored as a promising solution for hair loss and to accelerate the healing of wounds and to rejuvenate aging skin, enhancing its appearance.



Booking Process:

For Hair Loss Treatment:

  1. Begin by scheduling a pre-assessment consultation, which is a vital initial step. These consultations are conducted online and typically last around 15 minutes. The cost for this assessment is £60.
  2. After the pre-assessment consultation, if you do not have any recent blood tests, you will receive a link to book a blood test, at a cost of £90
  3. You will also receive links to book you PRP Hair treatment sessions. This treatment is administered in 3 sessions, with 4 weeks in between, and the cost per session is £200. Please allow 2 weeks in between the blood test and the first session to allow ample time for the results to be received and reviewed by Dr. Renatta Murakami, our esteemed specialty doctor in Dermatology and PRP expert.

To ensure that we provide you with the most effective and personalized treatment, we highly recommend having a blood test at least two weeks prior to your PRP therapy. This test will help us identify any underlying causes of hair loss and enable us to design a comprehensive treatment plan.

The blood test will check Full Blood Count + Thyroid Profile + Ferritin and Vitamin D


For Skin PRP Treatment:

  1. Begin by scheduling a pre-assessment consultation, which is a vital initial step. These consultations are conducted online and typically last around 15 minutes. The cost for this assessment is £60.
  2. Following the pre-assessment consultation you will be sent a link to book your PRP Skin Treatment sessions.  This treatment is typically administered in 3 sessions, with 4 weeks in between, and the cost per session is £200.




Safety Considerations: PRP procedures are generally considered safe, with mild post-procedural side effects such as pain, bruising, and swelling, which usually subside within a few days. The most significant risks are associated with the handling of your blood, necessitating strict adherence to sterile conditions to prevent infections or transfusion errors.


Results and Frequency of Treatments: Full effects, if achieved, typically become noticeable within a few weeks to months. Generally, an initial series of three treatments, spaced one month apart, is recommended for optimal results.


Who Should Avoid PRP: PRP is not recommended for individuals with specific medical conditions, including hepatitis C, HIV or AIDS, blood cancers, cardiovascular diseases requiring blood thinners, or active skin cancer in the treatment area. These conditions may affect platelet function and overall safety.


The Importance of Pre-Treatment Blood Tests: Prior to a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure for hair loss, undergoing a comprehensive blood test to detect potential underlying causes offers several crucial advantages that significantly enhance the overall safety, effectiveness, and success of the treatment.


Effects of PRP on Hair Growth: PRP promotes hair growth by stimulating the stem cells located in the dermal papilla and other cellular structures within the hair follicle. It’s important to note that PRP cannot induce the growth of new hair follicles in areas where they have completely ceased to exist or were never present. PRP’s efficacy in hair loss treatment lies in its ability to increase hair count, thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle.


Combining PRP with Other Hair Loss Treatments: Yes, PRP may be combined with other treatments to amplify its biological effect.



Recovery Time: PRP treatment typically involves no downtime or extended recovery process. You can take a warm shower on the evening of the treatment, but it’s advisable to avoid using harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair for 48 hours. Most individuals can return to work the same day or the following day.



Your journey to rejuvenated skin and hair health begins here at Murakami Medical Centre. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out. We are committed to assisting you in achieving your desired results through our PRP treatments.